- Workload Manager

Welcome to WorkMan

About WorkMan

WorkMan,an acronym for Workload Manager, is a tasks’ planning and performance evaluation tool applicable to learning institutions. Staff involved in teaching – lecturers, technologists,
administrators - fail to achieve peak performance due to poor, uncoordinated tasks’ planning, resulting in incomplete syllabuses by end of learning period. The institutions also lack effective real-time performance
evaluation tools to report on their staff performance, especially when they work from home.

This hinders the management from taking timely measures to improve on the institution's productivity. Workman solves these problems by allowing staff to plan their work on consultation with their supervisors, then update their progress routinely while at the same time computing their scorecard and presenting it to the management for real-time evaluation.


Is your institution in Workman?.


To join Workman, email us: sdc@dkut.ac.ke


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